东方萃梦想 ~ immaterial and missing power. meaning in Korean
- 동방췌몽상 ~ Immaterial and Missing Power
- "东方" in Korean : [명사](1)동방(東方).东方红, 太阳升;동쪽 하늘이 붉게 물들더니, ...
- "梦想" in Korean : [명사][동사](1)몽상(하다). 망상(에 빠지다). 헛된 생각(을 ...
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- "眠思梦想" in Korean : 꿈에도 잊지 못하다.
- "睡思梦想" in Korean : 몽매간에도 골똘히 생각하다. 자나깨나 생각하다.
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- "东方辉针城 ~ double dealing character." in Korean : 동방휘침성 ~ Double Dealing Character
What is the meaning of 东方萃梦想 ~ immaterial and missing power. in Korean and how to say 东方萃梦想 ~ immaterial and missing power. in Korean? 东方萃梦想 ~ immaterial and missing power. Korean meaning, 東方萃夢想 ~ immaterial and missing power.的韓文, 东方萃梦想 ~ immaterial and missing power.的韩文,東方萃夢想 ~ immaterial and missing power.的韓文, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.